About Us

Our History and Activity
KANAME Law Office was founded in September 2015.
Since its foundation, we have already served our service for a wide variety of clients, varying from a distributor of cosmetics, a supplier of interior finish or external facing, a manager of
website, or so. We serve a lot of individual clients as well, in trouble with lending and borrowing, traffic accidents, inheritance, divorce, and other cases.
Especially, we provide the service of check for legitimacy or accuracy of the written contract (in Japanese or English). It’s the important matter for international enterprises to be relieved from the difficulties of LAW and LAUNGAGE. We’re seeking the way to lessen uneasy conscience for our clients, and the way to maximize our client’s benefit, by making use of our expert knowledge and experience of legal matters, to the full.
The Origin of “KANAME”
“KANAME” originally used to means in Japanese, the metal part fixing frame of a folding fan, but it has changed its meaning to most important matter or the starting point.
We name our firm “KANAME” because we would like to serve the starting point for our clients by gathering credible colleagues.
“Our firm would like to be the starting point for our clients or society, by setting great value on human social ties, like the part KANAME of a folding fan.”
That is the name of ”KANAME” embodies.
KANAME Law Office【Osaka】
〒530-0047 Nisitenmanaitou Bld. 602,
4-1-15, Nishitenma, Kita-ku, Osaka-city, Japan-
KANAME Law Office【Tokyo】
〒101-0043 #306 BIZ SMART 7 Kandatomiyamacho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo-to, Japan-
KANAME Law Office【Fukuoka】
〒810-0801 5th Akuahakata Bld., 5-3-8, Nakasu,
Hakata-ku, Fukuoka-city, Fukuoka-ken, Japan-
Please ask by e-mail for KOHEI NIEDA, the attorney dealing with international matter, including contracts or agreements written in English, or negotiation by e-mail.